Thursday 9 April 2009

Forced Feedback - Episode 04 - 09/04/09

Forced Feedback is the Podcast of The Feedback Force. We are Captain Wizard, Freckled Moon and Orifister. The podcast is musings and general news from this week. It is published every Thursday and will include a guest every so often.

Forced Feedback Episode 04 – 09/04/09 – 1hr 40 mins
(Last 5-10 mins missing see below for details)

Download the MP3 (64K) Here (right click to save)

Presenters – Captain Wizard and Freckled Moon

Guests - Tehburninatorz (Jon) and Lt Shmoopy (Andrew)

Currently Playing -Crackdown, Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway, 50 Cent Blood on the Sand, Harry Potter: OOTP, Banjo Kazooie DLC, Prince of Persia, Left 4 dead, Fallout 3 and some older cube games .

What’s happening – No demos this week. Releases of Godfather 2, Ultimate Band, Commander in Chief, Rag Doll Kung Fu, Flock, Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor.

News – Fable DLC priced, 'Nielson Report' details, Bump Top release, Mythic Maps release, Blood Bowl Beta, Borderlands change, Will Wright left EA, Motion plus is July, Perfect Dark for XBLA.

Feature - Maps - Use of maps in games and multiplayer map discussions.

After the audio problems we had last week I decided to try to use Ableton Live (another 'Pro' audio application) to record the show and it worked. until we finished and it messed up. I managed to recover the 3 .wav files by importing them to Audicity as RAW data, so woot once again for open source software, it saved this podcast. I am afraid that the last 5-10 mins have been cut from the end when Ableton fucked with the files.

Thank you to Jon and Andrew for joining us this week, we look forward to hearing from JackSandwich once again as next week he will be a full on host with the Moon and the Wizard.

Disclaimer - everything said in this podcast are opinions, sources are mentioned when known and everything is assumed to be subjective/speculative. Its just bit of fun and arguments about gaming.

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